Monday, November 2, 2015

New Belly New You

Congratulations to all the Hot Belly Challengers! So proud of each and every one of you! This was a time of immense transformation and release for a lot of you. Understanding what your body is going thru is one of the hardest parts of making any sort of change. For a lot of you there were a few "adverse" effects, but rest assured, that these are all part of the transformation process.

In Ayurveda, we refer to toxins or any undigested material in the body as AMA. Now ama can come in many different shapes or sizes. Whether it is junk/processed food that is sitting in your stomach for a lot longer than you had hope, or a traumatic relationship that hasn't been fully understood and acknowledged. All undigested, uncomprehended, and unmetabolized foods, thoughts, desires, can all manifest in the body as ama. So when we underwent this hot belly program, the main ideology behind it was to increase the fire in your body or AGNI to help you break down all of the ama that has accumulated over the span of your life time.

One of the most comprehensive ways to understand what you need to do moving forward is to get an Ayurvedic consultation. This will allow you a chance to sit down and really make sense of your body and what you need to do on a daily/monthly/seasonal basis to keep it in balance. You will get both an immediate regimen to bring your body into balance as well as a long term plan of ideally what you should be doing in terms of diet, routine, exercise, etc.

For different people, there were different "releases" For some, they had an upset stomach, or others went thru a very emotional time because of deep rooted feelings being surfaced and purged. Others might have felt angry or easily agitated because of the increase of PITTA or fire in your body.

Whatever your release was, it is crucial to understand how vulnerable your body is right now. This is an outline of a diet that will help you regain some of the strength and vitality that was cast aside during this purgation process.


Protein: Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Yellow or Green Lentils, Mung Beans. NO: Red meat or Turkey

Veggies: Asparagus, Green Beans, Spinach, Cilantro, Bok Choy, Cucumber, Red or Green Chard, Zucchini
NO: RAW salads, Fruit Smoothies,

Grains: Quinoa, Couscous, Barley, Amaranth, Basmati/Jasmine
NO: brown rice or oatmeal.

Fruits: Cherries, Plums, Apricots, Melons, Berries, ANY SWEET fruits NO: raw apples, pears, or citrus.

Milk: Whole (for those with no sensitivity problems) coconut, almond, or rice.

Spices: cumin, coriander, fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, cayenne, black pepper, salt.

1.   Warm, soft, unctuous foods and drinks. Think to yourself, How much of the digestion process can I do before the food enters my mouth.
2.   Fruits/Veggies, Protein, Grains. IN THAT ORDER!
3.   Incorporate all 6 taste in each meal!
a.   Sweet
b.   Sour
c.   Salt
d.   Pungent
e.   Bitter
f.     Astringent

4.   Without proper diet, medicine is of no use, With Proper diet, medicine is of no need!

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