Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What The Sage?!

As we move throughout our day, we absorb energy from those around us. We may not notice or realize this but it happens. As our mood fluctuates during the day, those energy signatures can stay with us if we don't set the intention to clear ourselves. Clearing our body, mind, and energy field of stagnant energy is vital. There are many ways to do this and some may resonate with you more than others.  Although there are many herbs and incense to use in smudging, we'll begin by taking a look at the most popular-sage. The sacred ritual of Smudging or Saging dates back thousands of years. There are several varieties of sage each with it's unique divine scent. Let's take a look at the benefits (both physical and energetic) of sage!

SAGE (member of the mint family)

  • Helps reduces digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, stomach pain, and heartburn
  • Is also used for depression
  • Used for menstrual periods and symptoms of menopause including hot flashes
  • Can be applied topically to treat conditions like cold sore, sore mouth, or even gum disease
Physical Uses:
  • Sage can be made into a paste or lotion and used topically, can be used in cooking, as an essential oil, or in tea form.
Energetic/Spiritual Uses:
  • Sage is most notably known as a cleansing tool. Native American Tribes and Shamans have been using sage for thousands of years as a way to cleanse a space, a person, or even an object as well as used during ceremonies. I find it magical and notice its effects almost immediately.
  • Smudging also helps to balance our bodies energetic field, increasing our frequency and vibration. I smudge weekly and more if needed. Anytime I’m in a funk or negative mood, I smudge/sage myself and I feel the power of this herb.  You truly feel lighter!
Do you have an experience or favorite smudging technique? Share it with us in the comments below!

In Love & Gratitude,
Joy Arnold

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