Last week a female turtle trekked from the nearby pond to lay her eggs in a safe and sacred space - right outside the sliding doors of our Soul Yoga Studio. She buried her eggs, leaving them to their fate.
A week later we saw her basking in the sun outside the break room. We smiled in wonder and awe as she stretched her head and neck out to welcome the Reiki energy from our Christine.
What is the wisdom and message she came to share?
What is turtle medicine?
Turtle reminds us to honor the creative source within and stay grounded to the earth.
A turtle carries her home with her, she retreats inside to rest, heal and hide. She teaches us to remember our own sacred place within. Turtle represents your dreams, your subconscious and your deeper awareness. Her slow steady movement demonstrates the gift of patience in all things.
We are grateful for her presence and the wisdom she came to share. There is so much more Turtle comes to tell us.
When you close your eyes connecting to that quiet space within, what does turtle mean to you?
In 60 to 90 days the turtle eggs will hatch. We are working to find a way to protect the baby turtles from predators and cars as they begin their journey across the road and back to the pond.
Is this an opportunity to participate in protecting these newly hatched turtles as a gesture in protecting Mother Earth?
What does turtle medicine mean to you, right now at this time in your life?
Help us pick a name for momma turtle.
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