Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 6 - Stay healthy through the detox process...

Tips from Manas for staying healthy through the detox process: 

There are a lot of changes going on during this cleansing process. You are shedding weight, purifying your body of toxins, gaining mental clarity, and most of all you are SWEATING! 

But along with these benefits, there are a few things you need to be weary of so you can gain the full and LASTING benefits of this program. 

1. WARM WATER: There is a reason your body craves warm foods and drinks when you are ill. It is trying to tell you, "Listen! My digestive system is weak right now because I'm trying to fight off this cold! Help me out!" Hydration is good, but it should be warm so that the actual uptake and assimilation of the water is quicker and more complete. 

Warmer foods are easier to digest and will put more emphasis on your detox process as opposed to having to worry about digestion. Warm soups, kitchadi, cooked veggies, and sweet fruits are all (for the most part) easy to digest. 

2. SLEEP: Sleep is essential for this process. Six days into the challenge your body is weak. It is straining itself to keep you bending and twisting in all those crazy positions Tammie puts you in! Deep sleep (stage 4) is where all the recovery and healing of your tissues, muscles, and organs take place. If you aren't tapping into this deep sleep, you will only weaken your muscles and tissues, and maybe even injure yourself.

3. And lastly, a gentle reminder that this is not just a physical transformation. There WILL be a lot of emotions and thoughts surfacing at this time. It is part of the detox process. It is important to acknowledge these thoughts, and just as they came out of nowhere, let them go. Practicing Detachment in all senses of your life right now will only benefit you in the long run. That doesn't mean ignore your partner or children!! It means honor yourself. Give yourself plenty of time to heal and allow your body to nourish your mind and soul. 

If you have any questions or just want to talk, you are more than welcome to call me or email me! 
So proud of everyone! We are halfway done!! Time to finish strong! 

Manas S. Kshirsagar
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner
NAMA Professional Member

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